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Crop Protection

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Crop Protection with OptiAg

OptiAg is well placed to conduct crop protection efficacy trials in both broad acre and horticultural crops with access to many of the major horticultural regions of Victoria and broad acre crops all around. From potatoes around the Ballarat region to field grown tomatoes to the northern irrigation region. We are well placed to service the crops within these regions. We have conducted fungicide, insectide and herbicide trials in many broad acre and horticultural crops. The following points are just some of the areas we have previously worked in:

  • Late blight
  • Early blight
  • Knockdown herbicides
  • In-crop herbicides
  • Pre Em Herbicides
  • Nematodes
  • Aphids
  • Leaf rust
  • Red Legged Earth Mites
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Powdery Scab